• September 21, 2024 12:23 am


    Pakistan Academy of Family Physicians

    Physician Wellness

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    • Physician Wellness

    What You Can Do

    Your Well-Being Matters

    Many family physicians report feeling dissatisfied in their profession, and disconnected from their purpose. As physicians you face more challenges than ever in delivering quality patient care

    Regulation burdens, documentation mandatories, operational policies, practice inefficiencies, and a culture of physician self-sacrifice all get in the way of serving the patient.

    Cultivate daily self-care habits

    by being curious about “how you tick” (i.e., take note of and practice the activities that lead to positive outcomes).

    Realize that mental health is a dynamic part of human health

     which means individuals can have some influence over their own mental health outcomes (e.g., staying on effective treatment for a recurrent pattern of depression or anxiety to positively affect mental health).

    Look out for colleagues.

    Realize that subtle changes in behavior can be the “tip of the iceberg” indicating more significant struggles.

    Do not assume that accomplished peers have it together

    and never struggle (i.e., check in on strong friends).

    Learn how to have caring conversations

    colleague to colleague, that invite deeper disclosure.

    When dialoguing with a distressed colleague

    remember that with distress comes negative cognitive distortions, so it is critically important to state the obvious-that you respect them, think well of them for getting help, are willing to help them connect with treatment, and will continue to be there for them. If you have struggled previously, you may have special empathy that you can marshal to help them understand they are not alone

    Haven’t found the answer?

    Don’t hesitate to contact us in case you haven’t found your answer.